Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Have you bought an ebook reader yet?

If you love to read, chances are you've thought of buying an ebook reader.

A reader has lots of benefits. For example:

* You never run out of things to read;

* You don't need to carry bulky books around;

* You save money on books;

* You can download and read any book (as long as it's published in your reader's format) within seconds.

When I first bought my Kindle ebook reader last October, I wrote about it on a blog post on my writing blog:

I've been lusting after Amazon's Kindle since it first came out. Unfortunately however, since I'm in Australia, the Kindle was out of reach... sob.

Naturally, as soon as the international Kindle was announced, I placed my order. Oh, the excitement!

After less than 24 hours of experience with the Kindle, here are my impressions.
I've now owned my Kindle for around three months.

Although I enjoy it, it does have a major shortcoming for me: the small screen. I'm a fast reader, so pressing the Next button every few seconds becomes tiring very quickly.

Here's my must-haves for my next ebook reader: a screen that's at least the size of a paperback book, and a touch screen, so I can swipe to turn pages, rather than needing to press a button.

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